Boosting Autodesk Fusion 360’s Promotion Conversion

Boosting Autodesk Fusion 360’s Promotion Conversion

Boosting Autodesk Fusion 360’s Promotion Conversion

Boosting Autodesk Fusion 360’s Promotion Conversion

How Behavioral Design Transformed Quarterly Sales

Team Structure

1 UI/UX Designers

3 Marketing Managers



Time Frame

July. 2024 - Nov. 2024


UX Design, Visual Design

Setting the Stage

Autodesk has been on a mission — strategically positioned Fusion 360 to capture market share in the highly competitive CAD industry.

As part of this strategic growth, every quarter in FY25(year 2024), our team rolled out 30% off promotion in each quarter, giving users a compelling reason to start their journey with Fusion.

Journey Mapping

This promotion strategy is designed base on a customer lifecycle journey—from initial awareness, consideration, making devision to final conversion.

User sees a social, display or email advertisment to trigger intent, they'll click through to Fusion's commerce page, add Fusion to cart and finally complete the purchase.

The Problem

With the first two quarters rolled out, our promo seems to have a strong click-through rate, driving unique visitors to our sales landing page. However, many users drop off before completing their purchase.

My team then focuses on how we can retain users and convert their intent into a purchase within the 30-day promo window.


How might we turn ad-clickers into high-intent buyers within the 30-day promo window?

Driving User Motivation

To drive growth of users, I researched on multiple methodolgies on how to actibate and enourage user behaviror, one of the theory I found very helpful to is Fogg behaviral model.

Fogg Behavioral Model: Behavior = Motivation + Ability + Prompt

Analytics data 1

We observed that user engagement is high on the main sales page but drops when navigating to other pages.

For confidentiality reasons I have omitted the actual values for the metrics.

Analytics data 2

By analyzing time on page and click-through rates, we identified variations in user interaction across different pages.

For confidentiality reasons I have omitted the actual values for the metrics.

Design Solution

Promotional Banner that stays visible across all pages

To ensure users remain aware of the key promotional offer throughout their browsing journey, I designed a Promotional Banner that stays visible across all pages.

Promotional Banner sticky on top

Data shows that continuous visual reminders effectively boost engagement and drive conversions.

A/B Testing Outcome

Hypothesis: Including a sticky top banner that appears on top will improve order rate during FY25 Q3 Promo.


3.5%+ Conversion

3.5% conversition rate increase for the new design


Next Step

Scale to 90% of visitors, 10% control for the remainder of the promotion.

Analytics data 1

Heatmap analysis revealed that certain page sections, especially towards the bottom, have lower engagement.

For confidentiality reasons I have omitted the actual values for the metrics.

Analytics data 2

Additionally, bounce rate data indicated that users tend to exit on specific content pages.

For confidentiality reasons I have omitted the actual values for the metrics.

Design Solution 2

Exit Intent Banner: A Timely Prompt

To increase retention, I implemented an Exit Intent Banner that appears when a user is about to leave the site.

Exit Intent Banner: A Timely Prompt

A/B Testing Outcome

Implementing an exit intent banner that triggers when users attempt to leave will increase order rate during FY25 Q3 Promo.


7%+ Conversion

7% conversion rate increase for the new design.


Next Step

Scale to 85% of visitors, with 15% control for the remainder of the promotion.


Timing matters. Not all nudges are equal—matching interventions to user intent stages is key to maximizing impact.

While both the sticky top banner and the exit intent banner increased conversion rates, they operate on different psychological triggers and user intent moments.

Timing matters. Not all nudges are equal—matching interventions to user intent stages is key to maximizing impact.

While both the sticky top banner and the exit intent banner increased conversion rates, they operate on different psychological triggers and user intent moments.

Timing matters. Not all nudges are equal—matching interventions to user intent stages is key to maximizing impact.

While both the sticky top banner and the exit intent banner increased conversion rates, they operate on different psychological triggers and user intent moments.

The Era of Experience Economy

A/B testing results confirm that static promotional messaging alone does not sustain engagement—context-aware, behavior-driven triggers create more immersive and conversion-friendly experiences. This signals a shift from channel-centric marketing to experience-driven engagement. Brands must rethink how to build dynamic, data-driven interaction loops that seamlessly integrate marketing into the user’s natural decision flow.

The Era of Experience Economy

A/B testing results confirm that static promotional messaging alone does not sustain engagement—context-aware, behavior-driven triggers create more immersive and conversion-friendly experiences. This signals a shift from channel-centric marketing to experience-driven engagement. Brands must rethink how to build dynamic, data-driven interaction loops that seamlessly integrate marketing into the user’s natural decision flow.

The Era of Experience Economy

A/B testing results confirm that static promotional messaging alone does not sustain engagement—context-aware, behavior-driven triggers create more immersive and conversion-friendly experiences. This signals a shift from channel-centric marketing to experience-driven engagement. Brands must rethink how to build dynamic, data-driven interaction loops that seamlessly integrate marketing into the user’s natural decision flow.